Monday, February 24, 2014


The topic of this email is my motto for the next 5 months.

Hey- I got a transfer! I'm in Corire. Look it up on Google Maps. It is SO HOT HERE. Like, I am sitting here, sweating in a computer lab, and I can already feel my clothes sticking to me. We are out in the BOONIES. I mean there's, a main town and everything, but this will be 3 transfers of "roughing it" President has the idea in his mind that in 6 months, we can have a stake here, so we need to look for potential priesthood leaders to baptize. It was tough to say goodbye to Hna Pug, but I will see her in a week because.... Im going back into Arequipa for leadership training, because I am a Sister Training Leader!! I have no idea what that means, but HR will help me out.

I am out of my first area! Its crazy to think that I am really somewhere else. I am in Corires. I am serious about the heat. I think I am going to melt in my chair. I probably  just need water. So, my last few days:

-On Saturday, we ended up NOT having a baptism (Anotnio... why?!?!) but that is okay, because they are getting back in March, so they will get baptized then and I will get pictures from the Hermanas there. A little disappointing, but that is how life can be sometimes. We went over to the mission home, and watched "Frozen" with Hna Zobrist and President, as our last Pday together. I love that movie so much!!! "Do you wanna build a snowman?" The music is fantastic, although I can only remember a one line from each of the songs. Maybe someone can send me the lyrics. :) Then, that night we had a little family home evening with our pensionista, which ended up being really great. We had a testimony meeting, and then a little talent show, and I only cried a little.

-Sunday, we went to go get our investigators, and they almost all fell through to come to church. Dang it! Just come to church!! But it turned out to be a very   spiritual meeting, and I was invited to share my testimony, because the night before my zone leader called to say that I had transfers, to Corires, all the way out in Siguas, and that I had to leave Monday in the morning. So that was fun.... actually, goodbyes really never are that great, and I was glad that we had to leave that afternoon to go work as a zone in Tiabaya. Then we had to go to the mission home so I could pick up these shoes to bring to an elder out here, and  then we headed back to the Mesa families house for dinner, and to my great surprise, there were 40+ people there to say goodbye to me! The meza familia had put up balloons, and invited all of the ward, and I think more people showed up to that than to sacrament meeting that morning. There were faithful members, new converts, even a few less actives, and it was just so.... touching. I'm not sure how it happened, but I entered into the hearts of these people, and them into mine. They all went around and said nice things to me, and all had cards made, and chocolates, and the bishops daughters sang "I want to  be a missionary now". then we ate cake, took pictures, and then I had to say something. As you can imagine, I was just overcome with emotion, love, and support from this little ward in Perù, and I struggled for words at first, but then ended up somehow being able to say what I wanted to say, that the best way to remember me, is to do something to help the people that we have baptized and rescued. Angel, Leidy, Daniel, Wilson, Jesus, Lizbet, Anotnio, Elena, Sayuri, The Mota Family, Vanesa, and William all need them right now. They need friends, and that's what I want to see when I come back in a year, more than anything else. It was incredible. I felt like Kolipoki, from the other side of heaven, as they sang "Hasta ver, hasta ver, hartó ver  nos con el rey, hasta ver, hasta ver, para siempre Dios este con voz." It was so nice. So nice! I have some sweet pictures I will have to send next week, because the computer wont let me do it here.
Then, that night, we went back, and I had to pack all my stuff. I have so much stuff, and that's after I went through to all and threw some stuff away. Oh well. I did it pretty fast, since I had been kind of packing all week, and I actually think that sometime around mid March, you should be expecting a package from me filled with fun and cool things. HP is doing me a solid and taking it home for me. I gave her money and everything to send it, but when you get it, send her a big old thanks from me, will you? I hope you like what it all has. We went to bed at a good time, despite a crazy party outside thrown by the police department.

-This morning, I got to say goodbye to Hna Luci, and Aleida, and then Hno. Humberto took me and HP to the terminal to get on the bus. That morning I had been pretty okay with the whole thing, til Andy told Pug and I to switch name tags, and I asked "why?" and he said "so you don't have to leave." No lies, there were waterworks on both sides when he said that- but he came with us to the terminal, and we got to do our hand shake one last time.

-Hna Robinson, my awesome new companion who is from the LDS colonies in Mexico, (SHE IS AWESOME), and I got on a bus, and headed out to our area. Its nice. Its nice and hot. so hot. I actually might end email time early, because its so hot. I just want to go into our room and lay on the floor. Our room is nice though. We will be eating at the same place as the elders do, and after the two bugs i discovered in my food, I have decided to not look at what I eat, just shovel it in and go with it. It will be a challenge, to open an area as backwoodsy (actually, I wish we had woods) as this, but I am looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to being a STL as well, even though I have no idea how to do it.

Okay, its hot, I love you, thank you for all the emails!!! Still no packages, but I think things will take awhile to get to me out here anyways, so I just won't worry about the delay. The vision for this area is to become a stake. So lets go build a stake!!

Love you,

Hermana Leavitt

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